Friday, September 25, 2009

Letter to the Editor

I thought you might be interested to read a letter I recently sent inveighing against the student-produced newspaper here at Snow College.

The Snowdrift Has Issues
Dear Snowdrift, after reading the past few issues of the paper, I must say that I am appalled at what I've seen. The writing in this paper was utterly detestable. Grammar mistakes that most of us should have learned to correct as children are being made by supposedly educated college students. One would think those who write for the paper would have to submit some sort of writing sample to verify that they know at least elementary school spelling and grammar. How anyone can get such terrible articles printed I can't even imagine. If this was the paper's only problem it might be forgivable; however, these despicable articles are littered with erroneous facts, and incorrect names, thus destroying any credibility it may have had. How can we trust anything we read in a paper that doesn't even bother to confirm simple things like names? Not only this, but the subject matter of the articles in the paper is vapid and meaningless. There have also been multiple articles with almost identical topics--even within the same issue . In short, this execrable paper makes a mockery of not only journalism, but the English language itself.

This letter may seem harsh, but I assure you that nothing said here is undeserved.


Em said...

Did you seriously write that to the editor? Really? And what name did they get wrong?

FreakofNature said...

Wow you used some very big words in that letter. Are you sure that they would have understood those big words, since you think that they lack intelligence? Just wondering.

Mama Llama-Karen said...

Good for you! when you have strong feelings and opinions like these, I appreciate someone standing up and saying them, rather than being a couch critic.
It's sad that the paper you are talking about doesn't seem to be helping the students to be better educated in journalism (by being critiqued and corrected) or for the readers to be edified.
I hope this gets them to set a higher standard.