Saturday, December 12, 2009

Going Evergreen

Christmas time is upon us again. It's a time of tradition, and what greater tradition do we have than the picking out and decorating of a Christmas tree? It seems that this time of year one can't help seeing Christmas tree lots on nearly every corner filled with rows upon rows of freshly cut pines. One might see these soon-to-be Tannenbaums and wonder why "going green"--society's latest fad-- doesn't apply to these evergreens. But, of course, how can the fate of the planet compare with years of tradition? If thousands upon thousands of trees weren't cut down each year we wouldn't be able to have Christmas. It's easy to see how being eco-friendly pales in comparison. It's one thing to trade plastic shopping bags for reusable cloth versions of the same, or recycle paper goods but these supposed ideals are certainly not worth giving up something so precious as a Christmas tree. We all know that artificial trees can't compare; without the mess or hassle of taking care of a real tree Christmas just wouldn't seem right. Not to mention the fact that they wouldn't be thrown away after a week or two; the holidays wouldn't be the same without pine-scented trash cans. It's obvious why we have to cut down these trees, traditions can't be changed for something as petty as morals and it's certainly worth a little hypocrisy to have the perfect tree.


Em said...

Where did you find that picture?

Mama Llama-Karen said...

umm, not sure just what to say. I have had a fake tree for years. That is because it was handed down to us and we can't afford a real one or a better fake one. I am personally disturbed to see all the poor dead trees laying on the curbs, waiting to be hauled off after Christmas.