Wednesday, April 08, 2009

fair is fowl, and fowl is fair

On a recent photoshoot I was lucky enough to stumble upon something wonderful. This serendipitous event has shown me what is almost certainly nature's greatest achievement: The duck.
These majestic creatures are one of the most amazing things I've ever been lucky enough to behold, surely ducks are the zenith of grace and beauty. The world is a better place because of these magnificent creatures.

Ducks are one of the greatest symbols of freedom and beauty the world has to offer. Ducks truly are unlimited.


Mama Llama-Karen said...

Boy do I feel sorry for you! When Tori gets ahold of you, it's going to be scary! Beware!!!!!
Great pictures, by the way.

Dwan said...


Mama Llama-Karen said...

Ummm, it's been a month. Nothing new in your life??????

Juliard said...

Do you happen to know where the ducks go in the winter? It troubles me.