Thursday, October 02, 2008

Playing with matches

I was recently forced to attend a school play. One of my classes requires its students to attend at least one play during the semester. As I watched this so called art I realized that I have an intense and burning hatred for plays. Not only have movies made plays completely obsolete, but the acting always seems disingenuous and the constant need to input unnecessary singing is abhorrent. Add to these egregious atrocities the fact that there can be little to no special effects and unrealistic scenery and you get a monstrous failure in the play as a whole. I would encourage everyone to ostracize plays and rid our society of these abominations forever.


Mama Llama-Karen said...

Oh My!! Is this the first play you have seen? Isn't shutting down peoples chance to share their talents in this form, like telling people who draw that computer generated art makes regular hand drawing old news?
I have seen plays/musicals that made me feel like I have wasted my time and money and been pretty uptight, but certainly not all of them. Please don't let this experience leave you cold to theatre forever.
As a person who, along with my husband and son Ty, was in professional theatre, and have children who have done incredible things on the stage, I would like to hope that we have been able to entertain and touch our audiences in a way that no other medium can. Some plays have amazing special effects, but no school that I know of can afford to do that. If you’re ever in Chicago or NY, you really should go see whatever is “hot” (if it’s decent). I think you will be surprised. Just some food for thought.

Mama Llama-Karen said...

Ummm, I am told that perhaps I don't understand your sense of humor. If that is the case, then sorry for the soapbox!

Anonymous said...

i toetaly agrie ive h8ed plaez since lyke 1983

Anonymous said...

also i just found out the ppl arnt even reel their just akters i h8 them so much

Anonymous said...

Good post.

Anonymous said...

My school is doing a play right now. I plan to go see it because I'm not a jerk!
P.S. what play were you forced to see?